
Failure is impossible…

We offer education through writing, one of the roads to healing has been proven by years of experience from medical professionals (The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk & Creative Self-expression by John Graham-Pole, MD) Journaling, diaries, and other ways of expressing your stories through the written word, poetry, non-fiction, and other art forms. When we begin to write down why, where, and how, it can take us on a journey, we can see things more clearly. And taking this to a one-on-one or groups session, we can begin to realize how we are not the only ones who’ve experienced what we have.

Program Description:

  • Power Point video of fellow and published writers, victims/survivors reading their work from relative anthologies- either Moving Beyond Mars, A Voice for Victims/Survivors of Abuse (domestic and sexual); dis*or*der, mental illness and its affects (influence).
  • Discuss a few tips on writing their story(s) using prompts with guidelines
  • Workshops taught by the founder, Elizabeth Akin Stelling
    (Developing our voice is one key to successful writing)
  • Offer submissions into our anthologies
    (the work in print along with others in similar situations, it builds confidence).

Writing prose

Breaking down a prose piece into poetry

Elizabeth believes a well rounded reading of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction; taking your own voice and drafting works of these three things brings a better understanding of the written word. We will be providing copies of the anthologies for those in the program (writing workshops and one-on-one) to whom wishes copies.

Down the road we plan to bring therapy dogs into our program. Currently Snoops, a Jack Russell/Rat Terrier is Elizabeth’s emotional, PTSD puppy–he is registered in New Jersey as a service/therapy dog for her. His training for public service, with Elizabeth, as a team will begin after the 1st of the year.

Here, Snoops and Elizabeth, are visiting a local nursing home, with facility sign-in and permission. (Gena and others, and with their permission to be posted on social media and our website).