About Our Organization


The Write 2 Change is a 501(c)(3) not-for-nonprofit organization based in New Jersey, which creates events and publishes items that utilize writing and public performance to foster self-healing from traumatic events or thoughts incurred by self, family, and/or friends. We aim to (i) empower individuals across the full social and sexual spectrum to cope deal with and heal from physical and psychological abuse including, but not limited to, bullying, domestic violence, post-traumatic stress disorder, rape and other sexual abuse; to (ii) support individuals dealing with suffering from their own mental health issues and those of family and friends including, but not limited to, autism, bipolar disorder, grief, and suicide; and (iii) through our programs and publications, help foster self-healing. Mechanisms that will address these topics directly include We will carry out our mission by, among other things: (i) providing structured events for the public presentation of poetry and creative writing; (ii) publishing poetry books and anthologies from among these topics; (iii) organizing and hosting thematic writing workshops, lectures, readings, conferences, and literary events; (iv) sharing information where individuals can receive get professional help and additional social support; (v) partnering on joint events with professional groups that share our vision, wish to promote and help raise awareness of our group and our goals, and/or can offer secure spaces for audience and presenters on these topics; and (vi) conducting independent and joint activities that fundraise toward these goals. In the long run, The Write 2 Change aims to use less than 10% of its our proceeds for administrative and legal costs, and apply the remaining 90% of donations received toward its our annual publication, performance, and promotional activities, annually.


The purpose of The Write2Change is to create a structured means for individuals to discuss and raise awareness of issues related to physical and psychological abuse; to support those dealing with mental health issues in themselves, family and friends; and through this, aid in the processes of healing from the hurt, and moving forward emotionally. See our Mission Statement for further details.


This emerging nonprofit began as a for-profit publisher project of two healing anthologies—we began to give books (at print cost) to our published anthology authors, so they could bring the work to organizations of the themed nature and share. Showing these communities mental disorders and abuse subject matter was being addressed. Local New Jersey Women’s Space in Mercer County, Family Services of Cumberland County, and others family shelters and service centers are and will receive free copies of our anthologies—Moving Beyond Mars: A Voice for Victims/Survivors of Abuse (domestic and sexual) and dis*or*der, mental illness and its affects (influence) anthologies to share with it’s clients. The Write 2 Change will also offer materials for writing and workshops to those who request it.

Our outreach will extend into partnering with other likeminded press around the tri-state, and into other states by bringing public events, conferences, and readings to each community throughout each year (quarterly). It has occurred to us that bringing the work off the page and into classrooms, libraries, and through public events, we can show the unique healing experience of the spoken word through public forums; it will build confidence and break the cycles.


We started as a grass roots New Jersey ezine and grew into a global publisher, as Red Dashboard LLC. After seven years (four of those working with writers who submitted to the mental disorder) and adding an abuse anthology, we saw a need to go further, to bring workshops and a message to the communities around us in New Jersey, New York, and Philadelphia, writing and sharing are a healing process. It also fills a basic need to share the human experience and connect with others.

If you wish to help us achieve our goals of bringing healing through writing, donate now…