
Open up one of our two anthologies and explore real life to fictional poetry and stories from people who’ve experienced mental illness and abuse either first hand or through a loved one and friends:
dis*or*der IV, mental illness and its affects

dis*or*der, mental illness and its affects (influence)
Volumes I, II, and III 

Mental disorders are no-fault genetic brain conditions which affect one out of every five families. Mental illness can and often does cause chaos, suffering and an inability to function in daily life. They can be difficult to diagnose, yet they usually have a genetic component. Mental illnesses are the leading cause of disability in the United States, more common than heart disease or cancer. Mental illnesses are treatable yet many who suffer are afraid or unable to get treatment.
Authors and Poets come together in this collection by sharing their experiences in their personal life, with family and friends, and in professional lives, the bittersweet reality of living with dis*or*ders. Their words on these pages can begin to replace the stigma surrounding mental illness with understanding, hope and compassion.
Help us spread the word by sharing copies with those you love and within the mental illness community of conferences, offices, and other social media aspects.

Buy dis*or*der, mental illness and its affects (influence), please state which volume you would like to purchase I, II, III, or IV



Please state which volume you are purchasing in “note” section with purchase.

Moving Beyond Mars: A Voice for Victims/Survivors of Abuse
(domestic and sexual)
Volume I

With every book purchased, we will donate a book to support groups, such as Women’s Space and other New Jersey organizations (Women Rising), and NJMHA, or an organization (related) of your choosing. Please state this in payment. Thank you for helping us bring abuse and mental disorders to the forefront with hopes of bringing the numbers down. Education is the key.

Buy Moving Beyond Mars